SPORTS DIET: For Endurance Athletes

The diet I most closely follow is the whole
foods diet.
Moderate Protein, low fat and high carbohydrate diet (within
reason) has been known to be the best.
There is also a sports nutrition diet the helps athletes
reduce inflammation recommended by Dr. NV Perricone.
I prefer to eat more complex carbohydrates and not eat
protein. My performance suffers however when I go this route.
Everyone has to find a balance. I now try to follow the
guidelines below recommended by Dr. Bill Misner from Hammer
There is one more crucial article to take a look at in regards
to diet: Athlete
Diet Menu Mistakes.
Avoiding these mistakes could change your performance and move
you to the next level.
Check out these performance enhancing sports diets:
Inflamation Reducing Diet
Foods Diet
When I moved to endurance
sports I had to consider diet or possibly get a DNF (did not
finish). It is one thing to run for 90 minutes and bonk, but
another to go 10 days on poor nutrition.
Scott Jurrek, the great ultra-runner, follows
a vegetarian
diet, while Ian Adamson (arguably the best adventure racer of
all times), recommends protein and carbohydrates, with no
supplements(Adventure Racing, Runners World).
Carl Lewis and Ambrose Burfoot follow a macrobiotic
Following an even stricter diet is Brendan Brasier pro Ironman
triathlete. He follows a vegan
diet and it works wonders for him.
Just follow any of these links to learn about what a
vegetarian diet can do for you.
Carbohydrates should
take up 60 to 70 % of the total amount of calories that
you eat. This means that things like whole-grain pasta,
potatoes, and oatmeal are great for the endurance
athlete's diet. If you are trying to lose weight you should
cut this by 25%. This is tough during competition season and best
done in the off-season.
Dr. Bill Misner of Hammer has a good weight
loss guide.
For in and out of season. Hammer also has a really good
for weight loss
Loss Guide
for Weight Loss.
Protein is also important
and is the fuel that builds are muscles. Protein can be found in
lots of food, especially nuts and beans and meat. Whey protein is
my favorite source of protein. About 15 % of the calories
eaten every day should come from
protein alone. It helps to rebuild muscle and spur
growth and faster healing.
For heavy workout days, fat should consume less than
30% of your total calories. On the flip side, saturated
fat should contribute to less than fifteen percent of your
calories. A high fat diet works against the sports nutrition
diet, and lots of fatty foods can slow you and your performance
Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Avocados, and EFA Oil are great ways
to add fats to your diet.
When to eat is so important. This can affect your race
greatly. Our article on the Pre-Race
goes into detail about this. Following this protocol helped so
much with my performance.
Most athletes know that
recovery time after exercising is important. We spend
a lot of time perfecting our work out plans, but not our recovery
Eating within two hours is crucial to recover
the muscles and restore glycogen. Eating within the first 30
minutes is even better. To fully do this, you need to to eat
protein and carbohydrates in the correct balance.
You should have a 3:1 carb to protein meal.
The ideal meal would be 30-60 grams of high quality complex
carbohydrates and 10-30 grams of protein, preferably whey
Supplements, proper diet, active recovery and rest can
rebuild your body much stronger than when you began.
Massage, ice baths, and saunas other great ways
to recover.
You might also consider a
diet that reduces inflammation, if you suffer from
inflammation and pain in the joints. It is a simple diet with
some guidelines that reduce inflammation by certain foods.This is
still a hard one for me. I don't put enough time into
planning my recovery meals or drinks. I am trying to be more
conscious of this and bring a recovery drink with me, when
I'll be away from the house.
Recovery though is where you see the gain.
You tear your body down during training and racing, and to come
back stronger you must let it recover.
Reducing Inflamation
Sports Nutrition Bars