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Week 4: Amateur Training Plan

Interval Workouts

Find one day this week just to work on a new skill such as rollerblading or climbing. If you need new gear, this is the time to buy it and try it out.

If you can schedule yourself a training race 4-5 weeks before your race, that is perfect. This is to iron out nutrition, gear and feet. If you cannot do an Adventure Race, a marathon, 100 mile road ride, or mountain bike races are all good ideas.


Warm Up for Interval Workouts

Hip Mobility Drill

Main Set

Deadlift 10, 8, 5, 3, 3, 3 (personal record or failure)

120 sec rest between

Rest 60 sec

"Cindy" Attempt to Complete 5 Rounds in 3 min.

5 Pull ups

10 Push ups

15 Squats


Row, swim or Kayak

20:10 x 8 rounds, 20 seconds on 10 seconds off, all out efforts!


4 x 2 mile hill repeats, holding fastest possible pace and not deviating more than 1 min per repeat. Recoveries are, how long it takes you to come down the hill. If you do not have a hill then use tension on a trainer or ergometer with steady/ heavy tension.


Warm Up for CrossFit Training

2x Hip Mobility

Main Set

Back Squat 3x1 @ 95%-100% New PR or Fail, Rest (240sec) between sets.

Rest 5-7min

L-sits on Rings, accumulate 90 sec total time in L-sit postion.

Use Dip bars if Rings are not available.Rest 2min

3x1 min Hand Stand holds. Rest 90sec between sets.



4 x 300m ALL OUT SPRINTS… 5 min recoveries


Warm Up for CrossFit Training

ROM stretches

Time Trial


10k total: at 85% for first 5k then pick it up to 95% on the last 5k



2 x

400m Run

21 Kettle Bell Swings 1.5pood/1 pood

12 Pull Ups

Rest 10min

5x5 Dragon Flags, Rest as long as needed between sets


Kayak, or Row:

1 x 800m holding best possible pace. Not slowing more then 3 sec. 2 min recoveries + 2 x 1k holding best possible pace. Not slowing more then 5 sec. 2 min recoveries


Time Trial

20 minutes Bike

Return to Sport Training from Interval Workouts: Week 4


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