Phase 1: Week 3
Warm Up for Fitness Foundation
Jump Rope Barefoot
400 Times, mixing in variables of DU's, Cross Overs, single foot, running.
22 wall walks (start standing up with your back to the wall about 3 feet away. Lean back until your hands come in contact with the wall. Walk your way down as deep as you can. Reaching the floor is your ultimate goal. Walk back up the wall with out falling. That is 1 wall walk). Rest as needed between. OR 5 Bridges for 30 second holds, rest 30sec to 1 min between.
Main Set
3x2min AMRAP Rounds.
Rest 1min between Rounds
2 Shoulder Press 85%
5 Clapping Push ups
14 Jump Lunges
Warm Up
Hip Mobility Drill
Main Set
Run SC: 5k
You can move this to the weekend if you need to do so.
Warm Up
Easy Spin for 5 minutes.
For Time:
Speed Good Mornings, 3x3 @ 60-65%
Rest 180sec between sets
25 Reps Burpee Box Jump Over's, 20"
"Perform a Burpee then Jump over the box, perform another Burpee and continue back and forth until the reps are completed"
Warm Up for Fitness Foundation
ROM stretches
2 Rounds of:
5 seconds on,
10 seconds off,
20 seconds on,
10 seconds off,
10 seconds on,
10 seconds off,
30 seconds on,
10 seconds off,
15 seconds on,
10 seconds off,
25 seconds on,
10 seconds off
SC: 12mile TT
3x5 min intervals w/3min recovery between rounds.
Then work on kayak skills.